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Volume 48, Number 6, December 2002
Science of Bamboo Charcoal: Study on Carbonizing Temperature of Bamboo Charcoal and Removal Capability of Harmful Gases
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Takashi Asada, Shigehisa Ishihara, Takeshi Yamane, Akemi Toba, Akifumi Yamada, and Kikuo Oikawa
Mutagenicity of Suspended Particulate Matter Divided in Three Sizes Indoors
[Full-Text PDF (145 kB)]
Yukihiko Takagi, Sumio Goto, Daisuke Nakajima, Osamu Endo, Michiko Koyano, Ken-ichi Kohzaki, and Hidetsuru Matsushita
Cytosolic Acetyl Transfer and N-Deacetylation Associated with the Metabolism of Carcinogenic 2,4-Diaminotoluene in Rat Liver
[Full-Text PDF (181 kB)]
Michio Sayama, Takashi Kondo, and Masa-aki Mori
Phthalates, Adipates, Citrate and Some of the Other Plasticizers Detected in Japanese Retail Foods: a Survey
[Full-Text PDF (145 kB)]
Yukari Tsumura, Susumu Ishimitsu, Akiko Kaihara, Kimihiko Yoshii, and Yasuhide Tonogai
Possible Origin of Rat Testicular Atrophy Induced by Di-n-Butyl Phthalate: Changes in the Activities of Some Enzymes during Rat Testis Perfusion under a Hypoxic Condition and with Mono-n-Butyl Phthalate
[Full-Text PDF (1.2 Mb)]
Nobuo Watanabe, Makiko Shimizu, Yoshiaki Matsumoto, and Masamichi Fukuoka
Effect of Chlorinated Ethylenes on the Expression of Rat CYP2C
[Full-Text PDF (493 kB)]
Takayuki Nakahama, Masaki Mizuno, Minori Sekiguchi, Hiroki Sakamaki, and Yoshio Inouye
Screening System for the Maillard Reaction Inhibitor from Natural Product Extracts
[Full-Text PDF (165 kB)]
Nobuyasu Matsuura, Tadashi Aradate, Chihiro Sasaki, Hiroyuki Kojima, Mitsuharu Ohara, Junichi Hasegawa, and Makoto Ubukata
Testicular Toxicity of Mono-n-Butyl Phthalate and Related Phthalates on Bound Iron in Rat Red Blood Cells
[Full-Text PDF (163 kB)]
Nobuo Watanabe, Makiko Shimizu, Yoshiaki Matsumoto, and Masamichi Fukuoka
Effects of Tachykinins and Histamine on the Expression of Thymus- and Activation-Regulated Chemokine mRNA in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
[Full-Text PDF (501 kB)]
Takaharu Negoro, Keiko Takekawa, Kazue Satoh, Yasuko Nakano, Keita Kasahara, Tetsuji Ozawa, Yoji Iikura, Mitsuru Adachi, and Takashi Tobe
Mutagenicity Characteristics of 255 Environmental Chemicals
[Full-Text PDF (164 kB)]
Takashi Kubo, Kohei Urano, and Hideo Utsumi
A Convenient Sublethal Assay of Alkylphenol and Organotin Compounds Using the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
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Nobuaki Tominaga, Mineko Tomoeda, Shinya Kohra, Yuji Takao, Masaki Nagae, Kazuo Ueda, Yasuhiro Ishibashi, Toshinori Kai, and Koji Arizono
Effect of Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Against Various Strains of Bordetella Pertussis in a Murine Model of Respiratory Infection
[Full-Text PDF (144 kB)]
Mineo Watanabe and Masaaki Nagai
Radioactivity in Crude Drugs Imported from Asian Countries
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Shojiro Kimura, Rumi Yamaoki, Yuka Matsumoto, Noriko Fujita, and Kesamitsu Shimizu
Effects of Grape Seed Polyphenols on Serum and Hepatic Lipid Contents and Fecal Steroid Excretion in Normal and Hypercholesterolemic Rats
[Full-Text PDF (135 kB)]
Yumiko Nakamura and Yasuhide Tonogai
Bisphenol-A Administration during Pregnancy Results in Fetal Exposure in Mice and Monkeys
[Full-Text PDF (133 kB)]
Kaoru Uchida, Atsuko Suzuki, Yoshio Kobayashi, David Lee Buchanan, Tomomi Sato, Hajime Watanabe, Yoshinao Katsu, Juri Suzuki, Kazuo Asaoka, Chisato Mori, Koji Arizono, and Taisen Iguchi
Aquatic Acute Toxicity Testing Using the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
[Full-Text PDF (134 kB)]
Kazuhiro Ura, Toshinori Kai, Sachiko Sakata, Taisen Iguchi, and Koji Arizono