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J.Health Sci., 48(6), 565-569, 2002

Radioactivity in Crude Drugs Imported from Asian Countries

Shojiro Kimura,a Rumi Yamaoki,*, a Yuka Matsumoto,a Noriko Fujita,a and Kesamitsu Shimizub

aOsaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4-20-1 Nasahara, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1094, Japan and bKanebo Healthcare Research Laboratory, 3-1 Kanebo, Takaoka, Toyama 933-0856, Japan

We measured radioactivity levels of 137Cs and 40K in crude drugs imported from Asian countries by gamma-ray spectrometry using Ge detector - MCA. Concentrations of 137Cs in imported crude drugs were very low and close to the limits of detection (about 0.3Bq/kg dry weight). Furthermore, the type of radioactivity absorbed differed among species. The concentration of 137Cs was high only in ASIASARI RADIX, whereas 40K concentrations were high in herb drugs such as PLANTAGINIS HERBA.