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Volume 45, Number 6, December 1999
Siderophore-Mediated Utilization of Transferrin- and Lactoferrin-Bound Iron by Acinetobacter baumannii
[Full-Text PDF (756 kB)]
Shigeo Yamamoto, Noriyuki Okujo, Hiroyuki Kataoka, and Shizuo Narimatsu.....297
Highly Specific and Convenient Color Reaction for Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Related Drugs Using Chromotropic Acid. Application as a Drug Screening Test
[Full-Text PDF (3.7 Mb)]
Hideyuki Yamada, Sachiko Ikeda-Wada, and Kazuta Oguri.....303
Insufficient Metallothionein Synthesis in the Lung and Kidney in Human Acute Inorganic Mercury Poisoning
[Full-Text PDF (2 Mb)]
Emiko Kurisaki, Masao Sato, Sigeyuki Asano, Hirobumi Gunji, Mamoru Mochizuki, Hajime Odajima, Haruki Wakasa,
Hiroshi Satoh, Chiho Watanabe, and Kouichi Hiraiwa.....309
Passage of Bisphenol A into the Fetus of the Pregnant Rat
[Full-Text PDF (528 kB)]
Hidekazu Miyakoda, Masako Tabata, Sukeo Onodera, and Ken Takeda.....318
An Improved Simultaneous Measurement of Oxidized and Reduced Glutathione in Biological Samples by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Following Derivatization with Dansyl Chloride
[Full-Text PDF (556 kB)]
Hironori Nishijima, Minoru Yoshida, Akira Takeya, Masayuki Hara, Morihisa Sagi, Noriaki Sakata, Toshiji Mukai
and Kentaro Yamazaki.....324
Comparison of Susceptibility of Liver and Kidney to Lipid Peroxidation Induction by Cr(IV), Cr(V) and Cr(VI) Compounds
[Full-Text PDF (436 kB)]
Yasuji Hojo, Kiyoko Nishiguchi, Sadahiro Kawazoe, and Tamio Mizutani.....329
REVIEWS (in Japanese)
Carcinogenicity of Inorganic Arsenics and Its Mechanistic Concepts〔in Japanese〕
Kenzo Yamanaka and Shoji Okada.....333
Occurence and Control of Bromate in Aqueous Media〔in Japanese〕
Mari Asami and Takako Aizawa.....344
Drug and Toxic Poisonings in Recent Japan〔in Japanese〕
Noriko Tsunoda.....356
MINIREVIEW (in Japanese)
Involvement of Glyoxalase I in NO-induced Oxidative Stress〔in Japanese〕
Atsushi Mitsumoto and Yasuhito Nakagawa.....367
Degradation of Tetrachloroethylene by Granular Biological Activated Carbon under an Anaerobic Condition〔in Japanese〕
Hideki Tatsumoto, Yunhai Wu, and Masami Aikawa.....377
Effect of 2-Hexenal on the Lipid Peroxidation of Primary Cultured Rat Hepatocytes〔in Japanese〕
Teruhisa Hirayama, Akihiro Yoshikawa, Terue Kasai, and Tetsushi Watanabe.....384
Disposition of Sodium and Potassium [14C]-Benzoate Orally Administered to Rats〔in Japanese〕
Hideo Kurebayashi, Terue Takahashi, Nahoko Kaniwa, and Atsushi Takahashi.....391
DATA (in Japanese)
Annual Variation in the Concentration Levels and Frequency of Detection of Pesticides in Water Sources in Hyogo Prefecture〔in Japanese〕
Tatsuhiko Kawamoto, Nobuko Makihata, Hidetaka Tsuji, and Kiyoshi Teranishi.....401
Changes of Free Formaldehyde Quantity in Non-iron Shirts by Washing and Storage〔in Japanese〕
Masahiko Iwama, Shigehito Nakashima, Taiki Aoyama, Hiroyuki Ohno, Masako Suzuki, and Katsuhiko Yamamoto.....412