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Volume 53, Number 4, August 2007
Oral Acute and Subacute Toxicity Studies with Kalpaamruthaa, a Modified Indigenous Preparation, on Rats
[Full-Text PDF (124 kB)]
Rajendran Mythilypriya, Palanivelu Shanthi,
and Panchanatham Sachdanandam.....351
Seasonal Nitrate Content of Stream Water, Soil and Some Foodstuffs Samples in Abuja Municipal Area of Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
[Full-Text PDF (96.0 kB)]
Husaini D. Chiroma, Gbodi T. Ayinla,
Orisakwe E. Orish, Ogbadoyi O. Emmanuel,
Ali A. Jigam, Hussaini A. Makun,
Garba M. Sani, Afonne O. Johnson,
and Pam Humphrey.....359
Effect of Frankincense (Boswellia thurifera) on Reproductive System in Adult Male Rat
[Full-Text PDF (96.0 kB)]
Mohamad Khalid Nusier, Hameed Nayef Bataineh,
Ziad Mohydeen Bataineh, and Haytham Mahmoud Daradka.....365
Repeated Administration of d-Amphetamine Results in a Time-dependent and Dose-independent Sustained Increase in Urinary Excretion of p-Hydroxyamphetamine in Mice
[Full-Text PDF (1.46 MB)]
Félix Carvalho, Maria Elisa Soares,
Eduarda Fernandes, Fernando Remião,
Márcia Carvalho, José Alberto Duarte,
Ricardo Pires-das-Neves, Maria de Lourdes Pereira,
and Maria de Lourdes Bastos.....371
Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes Induced by Ethanol Exposure in Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 Knockout Mice
[Full-Text PDF (168 kB)]
Sang-Yong Eom, Yan Wei Zhang,
Masanori Ogawa, Tsunehiro Oyama,
Toyohi Isse, Jong-Won Kang,
Chung-Jong Lee, Yong-Dae Kim,
Toshihiro Kawamoto, and Heon Kim.....378
Evaluation of Nootropic Effect of Argyreia speciosa in Mice
[Full-Text PDF (332 kB)]
Joshi Hanumanthachar, Kaur Navneet,
and Chauhan Jyotibala.....382
Mechanism of the Inhibitory Effect of Tranexamic Acid on Melanogenesis in Cultured Human Melanocytes in the Presence of Keratinocyte-conditioned Medium
[Full-Text PDF (552 kB)]
Kazuhisa Maeda and Yasushi Tomita.....389
Microbiological Investigation of Fresh Edible Raw Sea Urchin and its Expiration Date
[Full-Text PDF (156 kB)]
Teruo Kajikazawa, Takashi Sugita,
Akemi Nishikwa, Fumio Nakajima,
Miyuki Ohyama, Nobuya Shoji,
Megumi Kosaka, and Yoshichika Wada.....397
Effects of Environmental Antiandrogenic Chemicals on Expression of Androgen-Responsive Genes in Rat Prostate Lobes
[Full-Text PDF (140 kB)]
Tomoharu Suzuki, Nariaki Fujimoto,
Shigeyuki Kitamura, and Shigeru Ohta.....401
Association of a Polymorphism in the Ornithine Decarboxylase Gene with Whole Blood Polyamine Concentrations in a Non-smoking Healthy Population
[Full-Text PDF (140 kB)]
Masahiro Ono, Morio Nakayama,
Takaaki Kondo, Nobuyuki Hamajima,
Kazuko Nishio, Yoshiko Ishida,
Ryota Imai, Jun Ueyama,
Shoko Torita, Yurie Kasai,
Ryoko Yamamoto, Koji Suzuki,
and Yoshinori Ito.....406
A Passive Sampler for the Determination of Carbonyl Compounds in Indoor Air Employing O-(4-cyano-2-ethoxybenzyl)hydroxylamine as Reactive Adsorbent
[Full-Text PDF (816 kB)]
Masayuki Onishi, Yoshika Sekine,
Koichi Sugihara, Kazuya Kitasaka,
and Hatsumi Shimajiri.....413
Analysis of Inorganic Antimicrobial Agents in Antimicrobial Products: Evaluation of a Screening Method by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and the Measurement of Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
[Full-Text PDF (100 kB)]
Harunobu Nakashima and Tomoko Ooshima.....423
Growth Phase Dependant Activation of the Precursor of Vibrio mimicus Hemolysin (Pro-VMH)
[Full-Text PDF (236 kB)]
Zafar Sultan, Tamaki Mizuno,
Aki Sakurai, Noriko Takata,
Keinosuke Okamoto, and Shin-ichi Miyoshi.....430
Effect of Ipriflavone on Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts during Guided Bone Augmentation
[Full-Text PDF (15.2 MB)]
Motohiko Yagi, Yoichi Ono,
Tadashi Minegishi, Toshio Uchiyama,
Kenji Tanaka, Yuichi Mizumura,
Shuichi Sato, and Koichi Ito.....435
Responses to Albendazole Treatment for Hookworm Infection in Ethnic Thai and Immigrant in West-central Thailand
[Full-Text PDF (156 kB)]
Malinee Thairungroj Anantaphruti, Supaporn Nuamtanong,
Dorn Watthanakulpanich, Wanna Maipanich,
Somchit Pubampen, Surapol Sanguankiat,
Teera Kusolsuk, Chatree Muennoo,
and Jitra Waikagul.....443
Methylmercury Retards the Repair of Wounded Monolayer of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells by Inhibiting Their Proliferation without Nonspecific Cell Damage
[Full-Text PDF (208 kB)]
Takashi Hirooka, Yasuyuki Fujiwara,
Chika Yamamoto, Akira Yasutake,
and Toshiyuki Kaji.....450
An Assessment of Niboshi (a Processed Japanese Anchovy) as an Effective Food Source of Selenium
[Full-Text PDF (1.72 MB)]
Baddireddi Subhadra Lakshmi, Arun Balakrishnan,
Mamoru Haratake, and Junko Takahashi.....457
Multi-residue Analysis of 18 Organochlorine Pesticides in 10 Traditional Chinese Medicines by Gas Chromatography (GC)
[Full-Text PDF (120 kB)]
Nan Sun, Lili Hao,
Jian Xue, Hongyu Jin,
Jingai Tian, and Ruichao Lin.....464
Clastogenicity of Quinoline Derivatives in the Liver Micronucleus Assay Using Rats and Mice
[Full-Text PDF (160 kB)]
Atsushi Hakura, Minoru Kadoi,
Takayoshi Suzuki, and Ken-ichi Saeki.....470
Quantitative Assessment of Effective Energy of Resistant Cornstarch Using 13CO2, H2, and CH4 Breath Tests
[Full-Text PDF (160 kB)]
Maki Kinoyama, Hayami Nitta,
Yuko Hatase, and Akiharu Watanabe.....475
Spontaneous Ultraweak Photon Emission during the Growth of the Cell Population of Cultured HeLa Cell Line
[Full-Text PDF (164 kB)]
Jungdae Kim, Yong-ung Kim,
Young Joo Lee, Masaki Kobayashi,
Yuji Tsutsumi, Ryuichiro Kondo,
Seung Ki Lee, and Kwang-Sup Soh.....481
Distribution and Diversity of Shiga Toxin 2 Gene in Urban Rivers
[Full-Text PDF (312 kB)]
Katsuji Tani Misuzu Kaneshige
and Masao Nasu.....486
Usefulness of Catechins and Caffeine Profiles to Determine Growing Areas of Green Tea Leaves of a Single Variety, Yabukita, in Japan
[Full-Text PDF (208 kB)]
Shuji Kodama, Yuji Ito,
Hirofumi Nagase, Tomohisa Yamashita,
Tomoko Kemmei, Atsushi Yamamoto,
and Kazuichi Hayakawa.....491
Antioxidant Property of Emblica officinalis during Experimentally Induced Restrain Stress in Rats
[Full-Text PDF (80.0 kB)]
Ramasundaram Thangaraj, Senniyanallur Rathakrishnan Ayyappan,
Panneerselvam Manikandan, and Jayaraman Baskaran.....496
Potential Anti-inflammatory Properties of Crude Alcoholic Extract of Ocimum basilicum L. in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
[Full-Text PDF (156 kB)]
Chinnasamy Selvakkumar, Balakrishnan Gayathri,
and Kontham Sanathkumar Vinaykumar.....500