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J.Health Sci., 53(4), 359-364, 2007
Seasonal Nitrate Content of Stream Water, Soil and Some Foodstuffs Samples in Abuja Municipal Area of Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Husaini D. Chiroma,*, a Gbodi T. Ayinla,a
Orisakwe E. Orish,b Ogbadoyi O. Emmanuel,a
Ali A. Jigam,a Hussaini A. Makun,a
Garba M. Sani,c Afonne O. Johnson,b
and Pam Humphreyd
aThe Environmental Study Group, P.O.Box 09 Gwagwalada 901001, Abuja, F.C.T.-Nigeria,
bToxicology Unit, Department of Pharmacology, College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Nnewi Campus), P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi 420001, Anambra State, Nigeria,
cDepartment of Chemistry, Usumanu Danfodiyo University, P.M.B. 2346 Sokoto 840001, Sokoto State, Nigeria, and
dDepartment of Pharmacology & Toxicology, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, P.M.B. 21 Garki 900001, Abuja, Nigeria
The vegetation of Abuja, Nigeria's new Federal Capital Territory is predominantly guinea savannah. The need for a new Federal Capital Territory for Nigeria was necessitated by the congestion and environmental problems in the old capital. Nitrates are widespread in soil, and are present in small amounts in plant and animal tissues. Water and food containing high nitrate concentrations are potentially harmful to infants and young children. Nitrate content of Stream water, soil and some food samples was assessed, in Wuse, Garki and Maitama with a view to determine regular monitoring of the environment in the Municipal of Nigeria's Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. River water, soil and food samples from Wuse, Garki and Maitama were collected during the rainy (July) season and dry (February) season. Nitrates and ammonia levels were determined using spectrophotometer. Results showed a low contamination pattern of nitrates in river water, soil and foodstuff samples. Regular monitoring of Nitrate levels need to be put in place to check for contamination levels.