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Volume 54, Number 2, April 2008
Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Inhibitors Induce Apoptosis and Enhance the Diallyl Disulfide-induced Apoptotic Effect in Human CNE2 Cells
[Full-Text PDF (168 kB)]
Jun Wen, Xiao Chun Wang,
Yi Wei Zhang, Ya Li Nie,
Simon G. Talbot, Gloria C. Li,
Jian Bo Xiao, and Ming Xu.....129
Effect of Genistein on Modulating Lipid Peroxidation and Membrane-bound Enzymes in N-Nitrosodiethylamine-induced and Phenobarbital-promoted Rat Liver Carcinogenesis
[Full-Text PDF (120 kB)]
Dechen Chodon, Aadhitya Arumugam,
Devaraja Rajasekaran, and Sakthisekaran Dhanapal.....137
Choice of Degree of Smoothing in Fitting Nonparametric Regression Models for Temperature-mortality Relation in Japan Based on a Priori Knowledge
[Full-Text PDF (516 kB)]
Victoria Nikolaeuna Likhvar and Yasushi Honda.....143
Tridimensional Response of human Dental Follicular Stem Cells onto a Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Scaffold
[Full-Text PDF (876 kB)]
Filiberto Mastrangelo, Elena Nargi,
Luigi Carone, Marco Dolci,
Francesco Caciagli, Renata Ciccarelli,
Maria Anna De Lutiis, Virginia Karapanou,
Basha Y. Shaik, Pio Conti,
and Stefano Teté.....154
Effects of Hydroxyhydroquinone-reduced Coffee on Blood Pressure in High-normotensives and Mild Hypertensives
[Full-Text PDF (144 kB)]
Akiro Chikama, Tohru Yamaguchi,
Ryuji Ochiai, Kiyoshi Kataoka,
and Ichiro Tokimitsu.....162
Citric Acid Functionalizing Wheat Straw as Sorbent for Copper Removal from Aqueous Solution
[Full-Text PDF (400 kB)]
Renmin Gong, Rui Guan,
Jiajing Zhao, Xingyan Liu,
and Shoujun Ni.....174
The Effect of Primaquine on Lysosomal Protein in Cultured Rat Hepatocytes
[Full-Text PDF (408 kB)]
Akihiro Michihara, Ken Toda,
Takuo Kubo, Kejin Akasaki,
and Hiroshi Tsuji.....179
Hyperosmolarity Induced Cystine Transport and Cystine-cysteine Cycle between Erythrocytes and the Plasma
[Full-Text PDF (564 kB)]
Deniz Yildiz and Yeliz Çakir.....187
Putative Anticataract Properties of Honey Studied by the Action of Flavonoids on a Lens Culture Model
[Full-Text PDF (120 kB)]
Patricia Vit and Tim John Jacob.....196
Effect of Tangzhiqing on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Genetically Type 2 Diabetes KK-Ay Mice
[Full-Text PDF (152 kB)]
Wei Wang, Toshihiro Miura,
Hong Shi, Dong-Ming Ma,
Qi-Duo Zhao, Wen-Ping Zhang,
Eriko Ishihara, Kanehara Masayuki,
Bo Li Zhang, Xiu Mei Gao,
De Qin Zhang, and Torao Ishida.....203
Influence of Dietary Protein Levels on the Fate of Inorganic Mercury in Mice
[Full-Text PDF (140 kB)]
Tatsumi Adachi, Masaaki Nagano,
Tsukasa Ebihara, Tsubasa Imai,
Masatake Fujimura, and Yasunobu Suketa.....207
Determination of Formate Using Immobilized Formate Dehydrogenase in a Flow System and Its Application to Analyze the Formate Content of Foodstuffs
[Full-Text PDF (112 kB)]
Hisakazu Mori and Ryoko Ohmori.....212
Mevalonate Pyrophosphate Decarboxylase is Predominantly Located in the Cytosol of both B16 and B16F10 Cells in Mouse Melanoma Treated with Lovastatin
[Full-Text PDF (440 kB)]
Akihiro Michihara, Sachiyo Morita,
Ken Toda, Kenji Akasaki,
and Hiroshi Tsuji.....216
Determination of Organotins in Human Breast Milk by Gas Chromatography with Flame Photometric Detection
[Full-Text PDF (152 kB)]
Yoshiki Mino, Fumio Amano,
Tamotsu Yoshioka, and Yoshiko Konishi.....224
Detection and Identification of Species with Bacterial Cells Using a Plastic DNA Array
[Full-Text PDF (688 kB)]
Yojiro Anzai, Shin Saito,
Kentaro Fujimoto, Kenji Kinoshita,
and Fumio Kato.....229
Bisphenol A Incorporated into Eggs from Parent Fish Persists for Several Days
[Full-Text PDF (136 kB)]
Yuji Takao, Mayumi Oishi,
Masaki Nagae, Shinya Kohra,
and Koji Arizono.....235
Seasonal and Diurnal Fluctuations in the Concentrations of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Residential Sewage Water
[Full-Text PDF (116 kB)]
Yuji Takao, Miki Shimazu,
Mayumi Fukuda, Hiroshi Ishibashi,
Masaki Nagae, Shinya Kohra,
Yasuhiro Tabira, Yasuhiro Ishibashi,
and Koji Arizono.....240
Differential Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases in Response to Manganese Treatment in Substantia Nigra Dopaminergic Neurons
[Full-Text PDF (444 kB)]
Seung Kim, Euteum Park,
Sung-Jun Kim, and Hong Sung Chun.....244