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Volume 57, Number 6, December 2011
Role of Elastic Fibers on Cardiovascular Disease
[Full-Text PDF (104 kB)]
Hiroshi Wachi.....449
SEp22, Salmonella Dps, a Key Molecule Bearing Both Pathogenicity and Resistance to Environmental Stresses in Salmonella
[Full-Text PDF (2.00 MB)]
Fumio Amano.....458
Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Biological Specimens
[Full-Text PDF (152 kB)]
Koichi Saito, Rieko Saito,
Yuu Kikuchi, Yusuke Iwasaki,
Rie Ito, and Hiroyuki Nakazawa.....472
Immunotoxic Effects of Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene
[Full-Text PDF (104 kB)]
Makoto Seo, Ryo Kobayashi,
and Hisamitsu Nagase.....488
Potential Risks of Phthalate Esters: Acquisition of Endocrine-disrupting Activity during Environmental and Metabolic Processing
[Full-Text PDF (148 kB)]
Yoshinori Okamoto, Koji Ueda,
and Nakao Kojima.....497
Atmospheric Chemistry of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds
[Full-Text PDF (1.33 MB)]
Takayuki Kameda.....504
Korean Red Ginseng Extract Suppresses the Progression of Alcoholic Fatty Liver in a Rat Model
[Full-Text PDF (3.12 MB)]
Yoo-Sin Park and Ju-Seop Kang.....512
Preliminary Research for the Anti-obesity Effect of Puerariae Flos Extract in Humans
[Full-Text PDF (376 kB)]
Tomoyasu Kamiya, Yuki Matsuzuka,
Nobutaka Kusaba, Motoya Ikeguchi,
Kinya Takagaki, and Kazuo Kondo.....521
Safety Study of Yeast Hydrolysate with below 10 kDa Molecular Weight in Animal Models
[Full-Text PDF (792 kB)]
Eun Young Jung, Sung Sun Park,
Jay Hwan Kim, Un Jae Chang,
Song Hwan Bae, Jang Won Choi,
and Hyung Joo Suh.....532
Elevation of Intracellular Ca2+ Level by Triclosan in Rat Thymic Lymphocytes: Increase in Membrane Ca2+ Permeability and Induction of Intracellular Ca2+ Release
[Full-Text PDF (276 kB)]
Ikumi Tamura, Minoru Saito,
Yumiko Nishimura, Masaya Satoh,
Hiroshi Yamamoto, and Yasuo Oyama.....540