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J.Health Sci., 54(1), 30-36, 2008
Headache, Mental Health, and Use of Medical Resources: Health Diary Study in Japan
Shin Yamazaki,*, a Shunichi Fukuhara,a
Joseph Green,b Osamu Takahashi,c
Takuro Shimbo,d Hiroyoshi Endo,e
Shigeaki Hinohara,f and Tsuguya Fukuif
aGraduate School of Medicine and Public Health, Kyoto University, Yoshida-konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan,
bGraduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan,
cSt. Luke's Life Science Institute, 9-1 Akashi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8560, Japan,
dResearch Institute, International Medical Center of Japan, 1-21-1 Toyama, Shinjukuku, Tokyo 162-8655, Japan,
eNational Institute of Public Health, 2-3-6 Minami, Wako 351-0197, Japan, and
fSt. Luke's International Hospital, 9-1 Akashi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8560, Japan
To examine the association between poor mental health state and having headache in the Japanese general population, and the association between demographic characteristics and use of medical resources among subjects with headache. The subjects aged 18 through 75 years were chosen from the Japanese general population. We administered a questionnaire to obtain baseline data, and asked the participants to keep a personal health-diary during October 1-31, 2003. The state of mental health (MH) was examined using the SF-8 Health Survey in the baseline questionnaire. Of the 2371 subjects, 716 had a headache on at least one day during the study period. Of the 716, 52 consulted a physician, 475 used other medical resources, and 189 did nothing about the headache. There was an association between MH score and headache [adjusted odds ratio (OR)=1.166 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.010-1.346) for 10-point increment of MH score]. There was also an association between use of medical resources and having a family physician. Poor mental health was associated with headache in the Japanese general population, and one of the predictors of consulting a physician among the headache sufferers was having a family physician whom the subject greatly trusts.