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J.Health Sci., 53(3), 271-274, 2007
The Consistency of Total Immunoglobulin E with the Symptoms According to Age and the Selection of Allergy Panels in Malatya (Turkey)
Latife Abut,*, a Teoman Zafer Apan,a
and Mehmet Refik Bayraktarb
aMicrobiology and Clinical Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Kirikkale University, Kirikkale, Turkey and
bMicrobiology and Clinical Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Inönü University, Malatya, Turkey
Distribution of allergens may change according to characteristics of regions. Measurements of total immunoglobulin E (TIE) and specific IgE antibodies are used to diagnose allergic diseases. In this study, we investigated sensitivity of TIE and its consistency with allergic symptoms, and compared the appropriateness of some allergy panels with features of Malatya, south-eastern Turkey province. Sera of 233 allergic patients of various age groups were tested for TIE. The specific IgE's were worked with 529 sera for food panel 5 (FP5) and one inhalant panel by using chemiluminesence technique. The sixty of inhalant panel positive sera were tested with specific IgE against house dust mites, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae. The specific IgE against egg white, milk, wheat, corn, tomato, beef, strawberry and banana were investigated in sixty of FP5 positive sera by enzyme immunoassay method. The sensitivity of TIE was found to be 85%. We concluded that TIE can be used as a scanning test in children aged 5-18 years (69% positive) but it is not useful for 0-5 age group nor in adults (38%, 53% positive, respectively). The allergen scanning test panels should be designed according to custom of society and characteristics of the region.