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J.Health Sci., 53(1), 137-141, 2007
Reproductive Toxicity of Vanadyl Sulphate in Male Rats
Gyan Chand Jain,* Hemant Pareek,
Sameer Sharma, Mamta Bhardwaj,
and Balvant S. Khajja
Reproductive Physiology Section, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, JLN Marg, Jaipur-302 004, India
The reproductive functions were evaluated by epididymal sperm counts, motility, fertility rate, reproductive organ weights, biochemistry and histological examination of testes in vanadyl sulphate treated adult male Wistar rats. Oral administration of vanadyl sulphate (100mg/kg b.wt./day) for 60 days caused a decrease (p < 0.05) in the weights of testes and accessory reproductive organs. Cauda epididymal sperm analysis exhibited a significant decline in the number (p < 0.01) and motility (p < 0.001). Atrophy of seminiferous tubules was observed in histopathological examination. The diameter of seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells nuclei were reduced. Biochemical analysis of marker parameters indicated alteration in biochemical milieu of the genital organs. The mating tests with untreated females revealed a decrease in pregnancy rate and mean number of the pups delivered. As such present investigation indicate an adverse effect of vanadyl sulphate on male reproductive functions.