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J.Health Sci., 52(4), 482-485, 2006

Effect of Coffee Drink Containing Mannooligosaccharides on Total Amount of Excreted Fat in Healthy Adults

Toshio Kumao,*, a Shigeyoshi Fujii,a Atsushi Asakawa,a Isao Takehara,b and Ikuo Fukuharac

aResearch and Development, Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc., Sanken Bldg., 3-25-1, Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan, bNew Drug Development Research Center, Inc., 452-1, Toiso, Eniwa, Hokkaido 061-1405, Japan, and cFukuhara Clinic, 3-1-15, Shima-matsuhigashi machi, Eniwa, Hokkaido 061-1351, Japan

A liquid coffee drink containing mannooligosaccharides from coffee mannan (MOS) was administered to a group of healthy adults. Subsequently, the amount of fat excreted from the body was examined. The subjects were divided into two groups: One was administered a liquid coffee drink containing MOS 3.0 g/day whereas the other was administered a placebo drink for seven days. Both groups were fed the standardized meals during the experiment. In the amount of average excreted fat, the drink containing MOS intake showed a significant increase in comparison with the before intake group and placebo intake group (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). In addition, fat utilization in MOS intake group was significantly lower than the before intake group and the placebo group (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). These results suggested that the intake of MOS 3.0 g/day increased in the amount of excreted fat and decreased in fat utilization.