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J.Health Sci., 51(2), 122-129, 2005
Reduction of UVB/A-Generated Free Radicals by Sodium
L-Ascorbyl-2-Phosphate in Cultured Mouse Skin
Eiko Masatsuji-Kato,a Toshi
Tsuzuki,a and Shizuko
Kobayashi*, b
aCorporate R&D Center, Showa Denko K.K., 1-1-1 Ohnodai, Midori-ku, Chiba City, Chiba 267-0056, Japan and
bKyoritsu University of Pharmacy, 1-5-30 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8512, Japan
The quenching abilities of sodium L-ascorbyl-2-phosphate (APS) and ascorbic acid 2-glucose (AG) against
UVB/A-generated free radicals in cultured mouse skin were investigated using electron spin resonance (ESR).
The relation between their quenching ability and protective effects against photodamage were also compared to
those of ascorbic acid (AsA) pretreatment. Both APS and AG were able to scavenge UVB/A-generated hydroxyl
radicals under aqueous conditions (pH 7.2) in a manner similar to that seen with AsA; however, APS was a more
effective scavenger than AG. Similar results were obtained
ex vivo. Both derivatives could protect skin from
UVB/A-induced photodamage, as determined by a reduction in the presence of sunburn cells and DNA
fragmentation. However, AsA pretreatment had the weakest protective effect, even though cutaneous, its level was the
highest among the three agents tested before irradiation. These results indicated that the superior protective
effect of APS is related to its direct free radical scavenging ability, rather than to its conversion to AsA.