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J.Health Sci., 51(1), 89-92, 2005

Protective Effects of (-)Epigallocatechin Gallate and (+)Catechin on Nitrogen Oxide-Induced Sister Chromatid Exchange

Reiko Tanaka*

Department of Nursing, Akita Keijo Junior College, 2-3-4 Shimizu, Odate-shi, Akita 017-0046, Japan

The protective effects of green tea polyphenols on nitrogen oxide (NOx)-induced sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in cultured cells were studied. (-)Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and (+)catechin (CT), the major polyphenol constituents of green tea, were found to reduce the frequency of SCE induced by NOx. NO releaser (NOR4)-released NO and NaNO2 were used as NOx. Significantly fewer SCEs were induced by 30 mu M NOR4 and NaNO2 after the treatment of cells with 0.1 mu M EGCG or 0.5 mu M CT. NOx (NO, NO2-) is a potent environmental pollutant owing to its carcinogenic properties. Therefore these experimental results indicate the protective effects of green tea against NOx-type carcinogens.