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J.Health Sci., 50(6), 588-593, 2004
Study of Removal Effect of Bisphenol A and beta-Estradiol by Porous Carbon
Takashi Asada,a Kikuo Oikawa,*, b Kuniaki
Kawata,b Shigehisa Ishihara,b, c Tsutomu Iyobe,b and Akifumi Yamadaa
aNagaoka University of Technology, 1603-1 Kamitomioka-cho, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2188, Japan,
bDepartment of Environmental and Safety Sciences, Faculty of Applied Life Sciences, Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, 265-1 Higashijima,
Niitsu, Niigata 956-0841, Japan, and cKyoto University, 3-23-12 Tenjin, Nagaoka-kyo, Kyoto 617-0824, Japan
The adsorption properties of bisphenol A (BPA), suspected as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and
beta-estradiol (E2) were examined in this study. Based on the adsorption isotherm results, the adsorption amount
of BPA increased as the carbonization temperature increased. The adsorption effect of a porous carbon
carbonized at 400°C was minimal, while the adsorption effect of a porous carbon carbonized at 1000°C was
significant. Although the adsorption effect of the activated carbon was also significant, that of activated carbon was
lower than that of the 1000°C porous carbon in the low concentration range, while that of the activated carbon
was higher than that of the 1000°C porous carbon in the high concentration range. The adsorption amount of
E2 increased as the carbonization temperature increased. The adsorption effect of the activated carbon was
midway between 700 and 1000°C. Porous carbon carbonized at 1000°C with a low surface polarity was more
effective for the removal of EDCs from environmental water than activated carbon with a large pore volume. It
is expected that the 1000°C porous carbon can be used with activated carbon, which has already been used in
waste water treatment, in purification plants,