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J.Health Sci., 50(1), 97-100, 2004
Acute Toxicity Responses of Two Crustaceans,
Americamysis bahia and Daphnia magna, to Endocrine Disrupters
Masashi Hirano,a Hiroshi
Ishibashi,a Naomi
Matsumura,a Yukiko
Nagao,a Naoko
Watanabe,a Akiko
Watanabe,b Norio
Onikura,b Katsuyuki
Kishi,b and Koji Arizono*,
aFaculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences, Prefectural University of Kumamoto, 3-1-100 Tsukide, Kumamoto 862-8502,
Japan and bJapan Pulp and Paper Research Institute Inc., 5-13-11 Tokodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-26, Japan
The acute toxicity of endocrine disrupters in two crustaceans,
Americamysis bahia (A. bahia) and
Daphnia magna (D. magna), was investigated and the toxicological responses compared. Bisphenol A had the lowest
toxicity to D. magna, the 48 hr median lethal concentrations
(LC50) values was 12.8 mg/l. However, the toxic
sensitivity of A. bahia to bisphenol A was approximately 10-fold higher than for
D. magna (48 hr LC50; 1.34 mg/l). The 48 hr
LC50 of estradiol-17beta was 2.97 and 1.69 mg/l in
D. magna and A. bahia, respectively. Nonylphenol
had the highest lethal toxicity against both A.
bahia (48 hr LC50; 0.051 mg/l) and
D. magna (48 hr LC50; 0.18 mg/l). However, ecdysteroids, and ecdysteroidal activity insecticides, such as tebufenozide, and juvenile hormone
analog, had no toxic effects against either A.
bahia or D. magna at the concentrations tested in this study. These
results suggest that A. bahia is a more suitable toxicity test organism for endocrine disrupters than
D. magna because of the higher sensitivity of
A. bahia to the toxicological effect.