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J.Health Sci., 46(3), 187-191, 2000
Isolation of Dichloromethane-Degrading Bacteria from Drainage Water
Hiroshige Kawata,a Chizuko Nakayama,a Miwa Sakamoto,a Hisayoshi Ikatsu,b Shin-ichi Miyoshi,a Ken-ichi Tomochikaa, and Sumio Shinoda*,a
aLaboratory of Environmental Hygienics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and bCenter for Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University, Tsushima, Okayama 700 -8530, Japan
The biodegrading ability of drainage water from research laboratories to dichloromethane (DCM) and chloroform (CF) was surveyed. When DCM was used as a sole carbon source in a synthetic mineral salt medium, some water samples showed ability to degrade DCM, and DCM-degrading bacteria were isolated from them, whereas no samples showed CF degradation activity. Two isolates, strain P3310, a Flavimonas sp., and strain G31, a Chryseobacterium sp., were used for further investigations. Both strains were able to use DCM as a carbon source for growth and also grow in complex media containing other carbon sources, suggesting they were facultative methylotroph. Both strains needed 6 days at 30℃ to completely degrade 200 mg/l of DCM with the first isolated cells, but this was shortened to 2 days with the first subculture, suggesting they were acclimatized. Although the DCM-degrading activity of strain G31 was inhibited by addition of other carbon sources such as peptone or glucose, that of strain P3310 was not affected. Thus, strain P3310 may be a useful candidate for bioremediation to eliminate DCM from drainage.